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Upload your movie to YouTube and Big Contact.  ________________________________

First you will need to upload your movie from Movie Maker onto the YouTube account we have created for the class. Once your movies are on YouTube, you will have to upload them to Big Contact, which is a Web 2.0 site that allows you to easily access your classmates' movies and leave comments.


Uploading Videos from Windows Movie Maker to YouTube

1. Once you are finished making your video on Windows Movie Maker, go to File, and click Save Movie file.

2. Next it will bring up a screen of options for saving.  Select “My Computer,” because you want to safe it to the computer.  Hit “next” when you are ready

3. Next enter the title that you would like to save your movie as.  After that hit the “next button”

4. On the next page choose “other settings.”

5. Scroll until you see “video for broadband” for the best quality video. Once you have selected video for broadband, hit the “next” button.

6.  Once you have selected the “next” button, the video will start to render.

7. If the video is long, it will take a little while to finish rendering.

8. Once the video is finished rendering, go on the internet and sign into the Username: Please ask your teacher for the password. 

9. Next click “upload” which is next to the search bar at the top of the website

10. Click “select files from your computer” and find the video where you saved it under.

11. Next, click upload and name your YouTube video after the theme of the movie you were going for and the last name of your teacher.
Example: Recycling_Motter

After you are finished with these steps, your video will be on YouTube!  However, this is not the final step.  Once you upload your video to YouTube, it is not eligible to be uploaded to the Web 2.0 website, Big Contact. 

1. First you must go to the website

2. Next sign in under the same username:
Password: Again, please ask your teacher for the password. 


3. After you are signed in, click on the Bold link entitled: Mini Movie Project.

4. From here go to “Add Video” which is right under the “new post” entry area.

5. Next under “target these devices” check only “Fullsize” (640x480 MP4)

6. Next enter your video URL (the YouTube address of your video), your video title, and tags such as the title and the theme of the movie.  Tags are used so people can watch your video, this is the concept of a Web 2.0

7. After you are finished, click Publish, and it will be posted on the minimovieproject page!

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